The Reluctant Reader

Friday 11 January 2019

The Reluctant Reader

The Reluctant Reader

Contributed by Maureen Belliveau

They stand glass eyed looking at the book spines, a zombie state has overtaken them. They are frozen in the process and do not know how to navigate out.

The library is not a welcoming environment, to the reluctant reader, it is more of a jail sentence, it is Superman’s Kryptonite. The question is how do you as the librarian make reading an enjoyable experience? How do you get the reluctant reader to want to read and love reading?

- Read the books you think the Reluctant Reader may want to read

- Graphic novels are easier to read, less intimidating

- Make a connection with the Reluctant Reader and ask what kind of TV shows or movies they like to watch. (Give examples - horror, comedies, science fiction, fantasy, romance etc.)

- Show many books for them to choose from

- Recommend books - Sell, sell, sell.

STEP 6 - I usually recommend books I have read and I make a promise that if they do not like the book I will buy them lunch. ( I have never had to purchase lunch)

STEP 7 - Check in with the reader to see how they are enjoying the book

Ask yourself:

Why such reluctance?

Is there an underlying problem?

How can I be the bridge to help this reader?

Do I need lower level readers? (Hi interest, low vocabulary)

Do I have the a variety of options available? ( audio books, online)

Engaging the reluctant reader is a challenge and a rewarding experience at the same time.


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